Practice : Yellow Flowers


  1. Pretty flowers.

    #1. Not such a huge fan. The "face" of the flower (or whatever you call it) is kind of lost in the shadows. In a photo, light will attract the eye, and the light in this image draws my eyes over to the edge and away from the flower itself. Second, the direction of the flower doesn't help it. When you shoot portraits of people(traditionally, at least), you usually want the person's body/head facing the center of the picture, not to the outside; it draws the person deeper in. The same can be said for this flower picture - the "face" of the flower is directed outside of the picture, which leads my eyes that direction as well. Lastly, the petals at the bottom from the other flower are a bit distracting, because they take up a third of the picture, and the other flower doesn't compete much for attention.

    #2. OK! This one, I really like. It's a beautiful close-up. The mix of light and shadows look good and make a nice ring around the flower, and you got close enough and sharp enough that we get a good feel for the texture and patterns in the flower. Me gusta!

    Three POSSIBLE suggestions, although all of these are minor and entirely up to your preference as the photographer (because if you like it a different way better, then that's what matters!).

    First, you might consider using a smaller aperture (that is, use a bigger F-stop). This will give you a broader depth of a focus, so more of the petals on the edge would be sharper and in focus. Although, I tend to enjoy that bit of blur, so it's really what you like.

    Second, the advice from the previous picture, about where the flower is facing, is worth considering here. This one is facing a little bit outside of the frame. However, it isn't much, and the light and framing are good enough that I think it's great as it is.

    Third, it might be worth considering moving the center of the flower a little bit to the right (not all the way to the center - you've got the rule of thirds down in this shot!). This, and/or suggestion #2, would bring it a bit more into the realm of "traditional" flower pics.

    On the other hand, traditional can be boring. This is a good artsy close-up shot, and if you like artsy over traditional, then you're on the right track. Just so long as it's on purpose, of course! Anyway, well done. Look forward to seeing more!

    Oh! Liz just saw your second shot big on the screen here. "It's pretty." She likes it too, and pointed out most of the same reasons I said. So there's your second opinion!

  2. Thanks. I posted these two because the first was literally the first picture I took without taking any previous suggestions into account. The second, near the end of the practice session, where I was trying. I of course like the second picture much more.

  3. Nice comparison, then. Take this as evidence that you're a darn quick learner!
